The Boutique

Brightly lit and clean, you will find a space that is organized and staff that is friendly. We firmly believe here at The Baby Depot that every family that comes in to the boutique should be given the freedom to choose the items they need for their child in a dignified way. During the visit each family will be given the opportunity to shop at their leisure for an hour, choosing the items essential to their child’s success. Every detail is thought of down to the way the space smells. Each family is also able to take home a large baby gear item such as a high chair, play pen, stroller etc. and a bag of hygiene items such as Vaseline, lotion, baby wash, shampoo and diaper cream.

The Baby Depot accepts referrals from our trusted Hamilton community partners. Our strategy is to identify babies in need through our partners who work with families on a long-term basis and assist them in overcoming issues and obstacles in their lives so that they can provide for their child.

We care about every baby we serve, and that is why we do not accept referrals from individuals, families, or agencies we do not partner with. This ensures that each family we serve has a circle of care around them beyond our help. We also want to make sure that each family is connected to community resources that will holistically provide what they need to thrive.
If you are interested in getting help from The Baby Depot, we suggest you ask your Case Worker, Social Worker, or Midwife if their organization has a partnership with The Baby Depot!
If you are a Hamilton agency and would like to request our services, please contact us by email: info@thebabydepot.org.